Monday, February 13, 2012

Mixed paints

  My husband informs me that he has been dry stalling Meika to shed some weight.  Her ribs were starting to show but her belly was big and round so dry stalling was not working.

  We gelded our boy back in August when he only had one testicle showing.  We kept waiting for the other to drop and the rate would have been a lot cheaper to geld.  Our friend and trainer informs us that he can still get a female pregnant.  What??

  So what does a haflinger mixed with a paint look like?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Raindrops are falling on my head..

  Who would have thought that we would be having rain in February.  This is normally our coldest month of the year and here it it raining.  Our round pen and dry stall are both a muddy mess.  My husband saw geese this morning flying north.  I don't think they know where they are suppose to be.  We have crocus's coming up in the flower beds and I'm already seeing red breasted robins out and about.  What month is this again?

  I'm sure somebody somewhere out there is getting our weather and I apologize for that.  I sure thank you for sharing yours.

  I'm having flash backs of last years spring weather....

from WSIL photo's
This was north of Harrisburg, IL
Our roads in Murphysboro looked the same but I can't find any of my pictures.